Big news at Bedford Family Eye Care is that we have moved locations to better serve your needs. We moved from the old office at North Bridge Street to the new office complex at 1332 Lowry Street beside Berglund Buick GMC and Virginia Furniture Market. We moved Labor Day Weekend and are absolutely loving our new location. We were able to custom design the layout to suit our needs perfectly. You enter the main door and go to the left for appointments and to the right for the optical. Throughout the exam things flow in a clockwise fashion and ends where you began. We hope our new space and expanded optical dispensary will allow us to better serve your needs and better maintain continuity of care.
Equally HUGE, is the news that we have begun

our transition to electronic health records. We went live on September 24th, 2014. While slowing us down in the short-run, it has provided us with many advantages and we are beginning to increase both our productivity and efficiency with the new system. A lot of the new features such as our patient portal, electronic prescribing, secure patient messaging systems allow for increased patient safety, improved care as well as increased patient access which helps us fulfill our mission statement. We still allow Dr. Gladwell to use paper though--something he appreciates since he's retiring in December. Its hard to learn a new system when you've done something one way for 47 years! Dr. Quesenberry helps him enter it into the computer and keeps everything moving the right direction. Karla and Wendy both love the new system and enjoy not having to pull, file, and keep up with paper records and fill things out by hand. Its all in the computer now! Insurance filing is so much easier since you don't have to copy and recopy all the information. Just click and it auto-fills the forms, batches the claims, etc. The new system will greatly streamline, integrate, and organize our operations. Also, you can download our office forms on our website, fill them out before your appointment and bring it with you saving you time at the office. Let us know how we are doing in the comments below! We welcome your feedback.